Difference between Acrylic and Perspex sheets

Acrylic and perspex are both transparent plastic materials with similar properties. Both are used for signage, display cases, windows and aquariums, but there are some slight differences between them. Clear Acrylic sheet is a thermosetting polymer made from the monomer methacrylate, while perspex is an amorphous thermoplastic polymer that contains an average of 20% by weight of water. The difference in these two materials is that acrylic is more durable than perspex, but costs more to manufacture. The main difference between acrylic and perspex is the fact that acrylic is more durable than perspex. Acrylic can be bent without being damaged or marked while perspex tends to shatter if it's dropped or bumped against something hard enough. Perspex can also be scratched easily when compared to acrylic which doesn't suffer from this problem at all - although it does scratch over time if subjected to heavy use or rough treatment! Another major diff...